Ouverture de la 5e édition des Remtp : Guest Speaking Badanam Patoki Président de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers sur le Thème : Diversité des investisseurs et efficience du Marché des Titres Publics

Vendredi 27 Janvier 2023


Du plus récent au plus ancien | Du plus ancien au plus récent

27.Posté par Diallo Antoine le 14/11/2023 17:45
Mes excuses à tout le monde, mais je dois partager ceci pour aider une ou deux personnes. Que puis-je dire d'autre à son sujet, aujourd'hui je suis également très reconnaissant envers le Dr Water car je suis enfin guéri de la maladie du VIH qui me ronge depuis plus d'un an et 6 mois. Après avoir cherché différents moyens de me guérir, mais rien ne semble fonctionner, voici qu'aujourd'hui, je peux hardiment témoigner au monde entier qu'avec l'aide de la phytothérapie, je me suis retrouvé sur pied et en bonne santé. quelques semaines seulement après avoir été en contact avec un grand herboriste, grâce à l'aide d'un blog qui parle de guérison du VIH. Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai vu un article d'une dame expliquant comment elle avait été guérie après avoir utilisé des plantes médicinales qui lui avaient été envoyées par le Dr Water. J'ai donc décidé d'essayer ce grand homme en le contactant via son email et son numéro de portable. Je lui ai expliqué quel était mon problème et il m'a promis que tout irait bien lorsque j'aurais fini d'utiliser son remède. Je devais juste croire en lui, ce que j'ai fait. Bas et voilà, aujourd'hui je suis très heureux. C’était comme par magie lorsque mon échantillon de sang s’est révélé négatif. C'est pourquoi je suis venu ici pour témoigner devant le monde entier et aussi pour partager mon expérience, car je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de gens qui recherchent également un remède à une maladie ou à une autre. Vous pouvez également contacter DR.WATER dès maintenant pour ses plantes médicinales, via son WhatsApp +2349050205019. Écrivez-lui aujourd'hui, je crois pleinement qu'il sera capable de guérir votre propre VIH/SIDA et qu'il pourra également guérir toutes ces maladies : HÉPATITE B, VERRUES HPV, CANCER, VIRUS DE L'HERPÈS SIMPLEX, SLA, DIABÈTE DE TYPE 1 et 2, INFERTILITÉ DANS À LA FOIS HOMME ET FEMME

26.Posté par Beth Drukker le 14/11/2023 09:05

I’m Beth Drukker from California, USA. I was devastated when I lost $899,000 in total worth of Bitcoin and USDT a few weeks ago, I was bankrupt and was going to lose my house. I thought of ending it all until I stumbled upon a pop-up on my phone about SPYWEB CYBER SECURITY SERVICE, a crypto recovery company that can help me retrieve my cryptos. I was very fortunate to have contacted SPYWEB CYBER, the company was able to retrieve my crypto within 72 hours, I never imagined it could be possible to recover lost crypto until I came across Spyweb Cyber Security, I’m truly grateful for their trustworthiness, and experienced team who were very transparent and professional in helping me get back my money. I highly recommend them to everyone


What’s.App: +1 3239048824



25.Posté par Joyce Dole le 06/11/2023 02:47
I’m Joyce Dole from Richmond, Texas. I was scammed of $127,000 a few weeks ago when I was introduced to cryptocurrency investment opportunities. They locked my account and requested more money before I could access it, and that was how I realized I was being conned. I’ll advise people to be wary of these crypto investment companies as they are all out to steal from you. I was very lucky to come across a cryptocurrency recovery company Spyweb Cyber Security Service who was able to recover my money successfully without any delay. Spyweb Cyber Security Service is a professional and reliable cryptocurrency recovery company and I’m truly grateful for their service. I highly recommend them to everyone who wishes to get back their cryptocurrency funds.

WHATS APP: +1 (323) 904 ‑ 8824

Thank you.

24.Posté par clara james le 02/11/2023 23:23

I was scammed over ( $345,000 ) by someone I met online on a fake investment project. I started searching for help legally to recover my money and I came across a lot of Testimonies about ETHICREFINANCE Recovery Expects. I contacted them providing the necessary information's and it took the experts about 27hours to locate and help recover my stolen funds. I am so relieved and the best part was, the scammer was located and arrested by local authorities in his region. I hope this help as many out there who are victims and have lost to these fake online investment scammers. I strongly recommend their professional services for assistance with swift and efficient recovery. They can reached through the link below.
Email Address: ethicsrefinance@gmail.com
WHATSAPP :+1 (719) 642-8467

23.Posté par Sophia Richardson le 02/11/2023 10:40
I’m one of those few people who invested in the cryptocurrency market and was hoping to make enough profits after my retirement. Unfortunately, I had invested in a platform that was out to steal from me, I lost around $275,000 to this platform excluding the promised profits. I had lost every penny I invested into it including the money I had to borrow from friends. I thought it was all over until I came across a Cryptocurrency recovery expert, Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, who helped me recover my money from these fake investors. It took Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery 48 hours to recover my money and I was able to track down these people. I’m truly grateful for their service and I highly recommend them to anyone with the same problem.

Email: eliterecovery247@cyber-wizard.com

Call/WhatsApp +1 (805) -386-9670

22.Posté par marabout obaifalayo le 31/10/2023 14:29

Bonsoir chère frère et soeur vous avez été plusieurs fois victime d'escroquerie pour la réalisation du portefeuille magique?

vous voici au bon port je suis maître OBA-IFALAYO,le seul et unique réalisateur du portefeuille magique au BURKINA, europe et au BENIN

voici les deux conditions qu'il faut respecter pour réaliser le portefeuille magique

1-eviter la viande de porc

2-ne jamais faire l'amour avec une femme les vendredis

3....faire toujours une offrande une fois par mois a n'importe quelle mosquée

je réalise le portefeuille selon votre moyen.pour avoir plus d'information veuillez me contacter

TEL: +229 60373934

Whatsapp:+229 60373934
je suis toujours la pour la solution a vos différents problèmes

*NB:* vos colis seront envoyé par DHL ou par la poste

21.Posté par marabout obaifalayo le 31/10/2023 14:27
Retour d'affection très efficace WhatsApp:+229 60373934

Bonsoir la famille international.

Je met à votre disposition pour tout vos problèmes de santé et de la spiritualité
whatsap:+229 60373934

bonjour a tous pour tout problème dans n'importe
quel domaine comme :
1-contre la sorcellerie
2-contre la malchance
3- pour se faire aimer
4- contre divorce
5- provocation de divorce
6- retour de l'amour conjugal
7- gain facile
8- contre poison
9- impuissance total
10- contre affectations non désirées
11- pour occuper une place en société
12- développement de sexe
13- ménopause précoce
14- Epilepsie
15- drépanocytose
16- discussion de femme, de l'homme
17- discussion du terrain
18- battement de cœur
19- ulcères
20- pour rendre moins difficile une situation
21- protection contre ennemis
22- contre la faiblesse d'une grossesse
23- contre tétanos
24- la stérilité féminine et masculin
25- aide mémoire
26- savons de chance pour allez a l'examen
27- azoospermies
28- contre les envoûtements
29- protection retour à l'envoyeur
30- règle douloureuses
31- hypotension
32- hypertension
33- contre tension
34- dépression mental
35- contre attaques
36- ce-dèmes
37- pour provoquer la menstrues
38- pour régulariser les règles
39- pour sauver une personne
40- pour éviter de faire des enfants mort
41- pour attirer la clientèle
42- pour engrosser facilement
43- pour empêcher une femme de sortir
44- pour être sorcier
45- pour soigné la folie
46- recette pour faire un garçon
47- contre gaspillage
48- contre le divorce
49- pour reprendre sa femme ou son mari
50- pour être patron au travail
51- pour avoir beaucoup de travail
52- pour bien garder son entreprise
53- pour aller a un concoure.
pour toutes vos renseignements WhatsApp:+229 60373934

20.Posté par Ryan Ashley le 27/10/2023 09:29 (depuis mobile)
YOU CAN GET YOUR BTC RECOVERY 98.9% back through any renounce recovery company who has helped many others like me get back their stolen bitcoin. This agent help me recover mine, therefore i recommend them to be one of Legit out their, you can help yo

19.Posté par Arri Eduk le 27/10/2023 09:28 (depuis mobile)
Compliment of the Season,i hope this finds you well.
As we approach the festive season, I am introducing to you a wonderful Christmas goodies, sweetable for everyone, bigger and better at a very low discount Rate. Just as we do yearly, we bring

18.Posté par Jenney le 24/10/2023 08:58
Quero dizer ao mundo que os Illuminati são reais porque vejo os benefícios de ser membro dos Illuminati, tentei me juntar aos Illuminati muitas vezes, fui enganado com muito dinheiro, mas não desisti. porque eu sei que se eu encontrar os verdadeiros Illuminati, minha vida mudará para sempre, então não parei, até encontrar o e-mail oficial e o número de telefone dos verdadeiros Illuminati, se você quiser se juntar aos verdadeiros Illuminati, quero que você saiba disso posso direcioná-lo para o e-mail e número de telefone oficial real dos Illuminati, irmãos / irmãs que estão interessados ​​ou que foram enganados tantas vezes como eu, que ainda têm interesse em se juntar aos Illuminati porque você acreditou que se você se juntar à sua vida será mudou, você não precisa se preocupar com nada porque estou aqui para mostrar a vocês todo o caminho certo para se juntar aos verdadeiros Illuminati, quero que todos saibam que quando fui totalmente iniciado nos Illuminati, recebi tantos benefícios quanto um novo membro, posso lhe contar alguns dos benefícios que recebi instantaneamente $ 1.000.000,00 para começar uma nova vida, casa de sua escolha, carro de sua escolha, irmãos / irmãs que tenham interesse em se juntar aos Illuminati, este é o verdadeiro oficial dos Illuminati ( email: gramasterbarry@gmail.comm ) e a central de atendimento ou WhatsApp dos illuminati é (+2348053610069 )

17.Posté par Neels Ainar le 19/10/2023 15:09
HOW DID I GET ACCESS TO MY CRYPTOCURRENCY WHEN THE TRADING PLATFORM DID NOT ALLOW ME TO WITHDRAW MY FUNDS I was introduced to a cryptocurrency trading platform smatdec. me. where I invested my entire savings, they didn’t allow me to withdraw my profits or my investment funds even after paying all sorts of ridiculous fees. I’m a disabled veteran and losing my funds to these platforms has caused me all forms of financial distress and depression. I was very lucky to have come across Spyweb Cyber Security Service, which was able to help me recover my crypto after their investigation, they found out the platform was a scam site and was only after my investment funds. Spyweb Cyber Security Service was able to recover all my funds. I’m truly grateful and I highly recommend their services to everyone affected by this scam.
Their Contact Information is as follows: 
Email- Spyweb@cyberdude . com 
What’s App-  +1 (323) 904‑8824

16.Posté par Sidney Byron le 16/10/2023 00:36
Recovering lost Bitcoin is no walk in the park. Besides the obvious challenge of not knowing where your digital treasure is hiding, there are other hurdles to overcome. Privacy and anonymity are paramount in the world of cryptocurrency, and this presents a challenge when it comes to recovering lost funds. The very nature of blockchain technology, designed for security and transparency, can make it difficult to trace and retrieve lost Bitcoin. Furthermore, traditional recovery methods often fall short in their ability to handle the intricacies of lost Bitcoin. Limited options and lack of specialized expertise can leave individuals feeling stranded and hopeless. But fear not, because Adware Recovery Specialist is here to save the day with their unique approach to tackling these challenges head-on. Contact info: Adwarerecoveryspecialist@auctioneer(.)net or ‪+1 (937) 500‑9144

15.Posté par Jennifer Greenland le 12/10/2023 16:51
My misplaced cash of roughly $180k were found and recovered. I had my trading money unloaded by a broker who for three months refused to give me access to my trading account, and I had no idea that I would be able to recover it. i was able to get my money back without any hassle makes me quite happy. Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery, who earned a reputation as a licensed binary options recovery specialist, is a technician I would really like to thank. Your broker manager is recommending that you make further deposits before making a withdrawal if you have money in your account that you intend to take out. Please get in touch with Elite Wizard Bitcoin Recovery using the information below if you are unsure how to proceed. In a matter of days, they will demonstrate to you the guild lines to recover your stolen funds.

Email: eliterecovery247@cyber-wizard.com

Call/WhatsApp +1 (805) -386-9670

14.Posté par yolanda le 10/10/2023 15:39

Hello, I want to use this Medium to thank ETHICSREFINANCE for helping me recover my stolen BTC/Crypto worth $183,000 through their proxy hacking skill. I was skeptical about them at first when I reported my case to this agency but to my greatest surprise, They delivered as promised and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I would never get my money back from those fake online investment scammers, you can also contact them VIA
Email Address: ethicsrefinance@gmail.com

website: www.ethicsrefinance.com



13.Posté par Tina Edd le 06/10/2023 12:12
I want to tell the world about the great and mighty spell caster called Priest Osas my husband was cheating on me and no longer committed to me and our kids when i asked him what the problem was he told me he has fell out of love for me and wanted a divorce i was so heart broken i cried all day and night but he left home i was looking for something online when i saw an article how the great and powerful Priest Osas have helped so many in similar situation like mine he email address was there so i sent him an email telling him about my problem he told me he shall return back to me within 24hrs i did everything he asked me to do the nest day to my greatest surprise my husband came back home and was crying and begging for me to forgive and accept him back he can also help you contact
Email: Unsurpassed.solution@gmail.com or
WhatsApp him : +1(419) 359-4367



12.Posté par loan Offer le 29/09/2023 19:41
Dear Sir/Madam,
Are you looking for Money to enlarge your business? You have come to the right place. We offer Cash at low interest rate OF 2% no matter your location (WhatsApp) number +918131851434 contact email id : sumitihomelend@gmail.com Mr. Damian Sumiti

11.Posté par Catherine walker le 14/09/2023 01:31

Thanks to EthicsRefinance, I was able to recover a whopping $78,000 worth of bitcoin which had been lost due to a fraudulent investment scheme. Their expert team of analysts and investigators went above and beyond to track down the culprits and retrieve my stolen assets. Not only did they help recover my funds but they also provided me with valuable advice on how to safeguard my assets from future scams. Thanks to EthicsRefinance, I can now sleep peacefully at night knowing that my hard-earned assets are in safe hands. Highly recommended!
you can also contact them via

WHATSAPP:+63 985 495 1759
You can also contact them for the service below
Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer
Bank Transfer
PayPal / Skrill Transfer
Crypto Mining
CashApp Transfer
Bitcoin Loans
Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets

10.Posté par JOAN CARTER le 08/09/2023 03:50
Hello everyone, I'm here to testify of a powerful love spell caster called lord Zulu, who helped me stabilize my relationship and solved all the problems that's been going on in my life. I was confused and devastated when my husband left me and my kids without a word, I needed him back because I love him so much, I told my friend about how he left me. She introduced me to this powerful and reliable spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so I contacted him and he promised that in less than 24 hours he will come back to me. After I did all he asked, to my greatest surprise my husband who had refused to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, I will forever be grateful to you Lord Zulu if you have any relationship problem I will advise you to contact him now for your testimonies. Contact him on WhatsApp +2348146326016 Email @ lordzulu05@gmail.com website: allsupremepowersolutionhom.website2.me
WEBPAGE: 64f9bc917d97d.site123.me

9.Posté par Micheline Peric le 26/08/2023 02:26

My Name is Micheline Peric from Ireland, I want to say thank you to PRIEST WISDOM for the good thing he has done for me,Though am not sure if this is the best forum to show my joy and happiness for what he has done for me but i can't hide happiness and my Joy so i have to share it with people, my marriage got crashed about two years ago and i tried all i could within my power but to no avail. I saw a post and testimonial about the good things PRIEST WISDOM has been doing so I decided to give it a try. though he is always a busy man but when he responded back to my email, he gave me 24hours for my marriage to be restored really just like he said my marriage was restored since then I am happy and i am living happily i am so grateful, PRIEST WISDOM you can always email him here: Supernaturalspell0 @ gmail. com or WHATSAPP / cell phone +2348124644470

8.Posté par Luis le 23/08/2023 15:37
oignage sur la façon dont je suis devenu membre des Illuminati. Je veux rencontrer des gens qui veulent rejoindre les grands Illuminati en tant que grand membre des Illuminati et qui me veulent en tant que grand membre. Son nom est Lord Felix Morgan. Aide-moi à récupérer ma vie du stade de la mort. Libéré après environ 2 ans et six mois. Après avoir été trahi par tant de membres des Illuminati. Au fil des années, j’étais désespéré et financièrement en difficulté. Mais un jour, en naviguant sur Internet, je suis tombé sur le message du grand Seigneur Illuminati Felix Morgan et il disait que si vous êtes l'un des grands Illuminati, vous pouvez être célèbre, riche et réussir dans la vie. Je l'ai contacté et je lui ai tout expliqué et il a recommandé le registre utilisé et j'ai payé le gros membre pour m'aider à démarrer et j'ai été initié à l'Ordre Mondial Illuminati. Après cela, ils m'ont donné toutes les directives et m'ont fait savoir qu'après l'initiation, les nouveaux membres seront récompensés par la somme de 1 000 000 $ en espèces. Avec l'aide de Lord Felix Morgan. J'ai été pleinement initié en tant que membre à part entière des Illuminati. Si votre conseil est que vous avez déjà essayé un escroc ou que vous l'êtes, c'est à moi de vous aider à vous inscrire, alors essayez Lord Morgan. C'est votre meilleure chance de devenir ce que vous voulez dans votre vie future. Contactez-le sur WhatsApp +2348055459757 ou par email : Illuminatiofficial565@gmail.com

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